The US economy has traditionally been a heavy importer of oil, making it unquestionably a fan of low oil prices. Meanwhile, the shale oil revolution has transformed the US oil industry, and driven net imports to almost zero. But, has that been enough to make America favor high oil prices, and to be an OPEC ally?
Dr. Omar Al-Ubaydli
At the start of January 2019, Bahrain launched a 5 per cent value-added tax (VAT), following Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Dr. Omar Al-Ubaydli explains the impact on prices.
The 60,000 word report was authored by a team of specialist researchers, headed by independent development expert, Dr. Craig Naumann, and featuring three Bahrainis affiliated to Derasat: economist Dr. Omar Al-Ubaydli, economist Ms. Ghada Abdulla, and renewable energy specialist Eng. Abdulla Alabbasi. It covers the period 2005-2018……………
Recognizing that economic integration between Bahrain and the remaining Gulf countries has played an important role in the growth of the Bahraini economy since the start of the new millennium, this background paper to the National Human Development Report 2018 presents and analyzes data on the effects of economic integration.
The presence of large migrant communities has made the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries a lightning rod for an immigration debate. Like many OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, the GCC countries are a popular destination…
Several scholars have argued that abundant natural resources can be harmful to economic performance under bad institutions and helpful when institutions are good. These arguments have either been theoretical or based on naturally occurring variation in natural resource wealth.