Derasat Center hosts a lecture on German-French relations and lessons learnt from them
Date: Feb 1, 2023
The Bahrain Center for Strategic, International, and Energy Studies “Derasat” hosted His Excellency Mr. Armin Laschet, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, who delivered a specialized lecture on German-French relations post the First and Second World Wars and the lessons learnt from them in the Middle East. The lecture was attended by His Excellency Mr. Clemens Hach, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Mr. Emmanuel Mayer, the Premier Conseiller of the French Republic’s Embassy in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Additionally, several stakeholders and members of Derasat were in attendance. The event was held on Wednesday afternoon, February 1, 2023, at Derasat’s headquarters in Al-Awali.
The lecturer highlighted the importance of peace in countering tension, thus replacing the atmosphere of conflict with steps of cooperation and rapprochement in order to face global challenges. Furthermore, German-French relations and various historical lessons were presented echoing the development of a solid partnership, a role model to others worldwide.
His Excellency Mr. Laschet praised the Abraham accords as a milestone towards peace and acceptance. “The Kingdom of Bahrain is very important example or religious tolerance and coexistence”, he said.
The lecture also showcased the importance of consolidating the foundations of peace in the region to open horizons for realizing the interests of German-French peoples and ensuring their right to development, prosperity, and constructive communication. Such relations guarantee the exchange of knowledge, the transfer of experiences, the localization of technologies, the growth of civilization, and the confrontation of various global challenges.
Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Al-Abdulla, Executive Director of Derasat Center, delivered a welcoming speech to the guests. He emphasized how the two European countries became strategic partners following the Second World War. Furthermore, he noted that the German-French strategic partnership represents a source of inspiration for peace in achieving security and stability as well as promoting dialogue, tolerance, coexistence, and cooperation among its societies.
The dialogue hosted by Derasat was moderated by Dr. Omar Ahmed Al-Ubaydli, Director of the Center’s Studies and Research Directorate. The lecture highlighted Derasat’s keenness to keep abreast of global developments, to follow up on the latest developments globally, to contribute constructively to deepening public dialogue, and to attract prominent personalities to learn more about various points of view.